Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Blog: Next New

I feel like with all the ideas from television and movies we would've already created 3D calling with the use of holograms. The way it could be used like how it is used in Star Wars with a screen projecting the image of the person we are trying to call or when they call us. You could use this technology on a tablet or cellphone where the image would form on the screen. I don't thing it would work too well on a laptop unless it is one of those 2-in-1 computers that turns into a tablet. I feel that this would be a new type of video calling like how we have Skype and FaceTime or it could replace it since most people would like face to face conversation and having a hologram would make it a benefit of using the feature. I also feel like you could use glasses that project the person on the lens so it looks like you are talking to them through the glasses. You can even do a hand off type feature like you are using a phone and want the image to be bigger that you can hand the hologram onto a tablet that is connected to your phone like how a smart watch is connected to your phone.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Blog: Wiki So Far

I have not contributed to the class wiki as of yet but when i  do i plan on doing research on social networking and its advantages and disadvantages to add as well as edit that content. I also plan on doing research for youtube as it does not have that much of a description as that of the other sections on the social networking tab. I would also do research for P2P since we have just done a blog post on it it is still fresh in my mind as well as utilizing the articles from our reading will help me with that and get a deeper and better understanding of P2P. Me being a business major doing research for banking actually interests me so knowing more about the industry I am going to be apart of would be good as well as the technology used in that field is great as well as to share that with other students is beneficial.

Blog: P2P

File sharing is in simple terms the ability to be able to send something like a file or so forth from one computer to another through the internet or through the use of certain software. When we think about the definition of file sharing we come to realize that it is something that happens all the time in the world. Some of the things that are used for file sharing are things along the line of music sharing movie downloading and so forth. This all has to do with P2P file sharing which is Peer-to-Peer file sharing which means you need someone to get the certain file for it to be shared to begin with. In simpler term P2P file sharing is the sharing of certain media files through P2P software that allows for those individuals to access the specific files they're looking for be it a movie or anything else. Now when we think about it more about file sharing we think of pirated movies through websites like the Pirate Bay, which requires a file sharing software like Utorrent to actually download the movie. As stated in the article by NYTimes here "A judge in Stockholm is expected to rule on whether four people connected with a popular file-sharing service, the Pirate Bay, are guilty of criminal violations of copyright law." This is saying it is illegal to do such a thing regardless of the convenience is provides others. When we think about it there are so many examples to look at when it comes to file sharing like with gaming and sharing software updates through the use of Bittorrent and the list can just keep going. The use of file sharing is used worldwide whether it is being used legally or not it will continue especially if we do or don't know about it. 

Ny Times Article-  
  1. Digital Pirates Winning Battle With Studios by Brian Stelter and Brad Stone. The New York Times, Feb 5, 2009, p. A1.http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/05/business/media/05piracy.html

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Blog: Privacy

When it comes to privacy and confidentiality with new media we feel it is an important aspect of it as we should. When we think about privacy and confidentiality with Facebook or Twitter we trust Facebook to be able to keep our personal information as well as our private posts well private because we only want people we know seeing things like that since you never know who could show up at your doorstep if the information wasn't private. As well as security reasons the information is confidential and cannot be accessed unless a court order has been issued to allow for the new media company to release that information to the proper authorities, but for any other reason the company can refuse because it goes against their promise to keep our information private. The issue with apple when they don't unlock cell phones or allow The Fed's access to their servers because apple always ensures that their goal to make sure your information is secure which it always is. When it comes to certain scenarios like when Facebook allows access to loved ones of the deceased family members account that is understandable, but when it comes to authorities asking for the ability to spy on individuals who the authorities deem a threat when the might not be that has crossed a line and Facebook can see that and know that something like that breaks the whole aspect of providing individuals with privacy and actually protecting their privacy. When it comes down to it when a doctor has doctor patient confidentiality or a layer has client confidentiality it is their for the purpose of protecting the clients image as well as their wellbeing because private information regardless of how big or small can affect someones life. The same goes for privacy in new media information that is private should stay that way or it would be private to  begin with. The thing with new media the private information can spread quicker and can affect you in even more ways since the internet is forever just like the information on it. In the end new media companies try their hardest to keep their users information private but not all the time is that possible just like with Equifax how all that personal information was hacked into and the company was trying to assure customers that it was being handled.

Blog: Advice

Some suggestions I would make is to be more active on their social media pages like Facebook since they have separate pages for different groups in Baruch rather than a main page that is used more frequently for students who are not in the separate groups to be more informed. I would also suggest the implementation of social networking sites in classrooms since most students use their devices why not used something in class that they are already keen on using as well. The benefit of have the use of social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter in the classroom is because even if you cannot make it to the physical class you can still take be apart of the class by being present through the conversations on the social networking sites. The good thing is that you would get notified real time rather than on blackboard which you would have to actually log on and see what is going on you can be notified and be able to make a response now rather than 1 or 2 hours after the conversation has ended. Also The ability to test virtual reality for those who are disabled so they can still be apart of the learning experience if they cannot make it to class and it is difficult for them to use social media. Obviously the use of virtual reality is still improving and being developed so the experience can do so too since most people with disability cannot travel to far and be present in the classroom but with the use of virtual reality it gives them the ability to actually be apart of the classroom experience. There is a huge list of possibilities of how the use os new media can improve the college, but the ones i mentions can benefit the sociability of students with each other as well as improving the classroom experience that makes the students feel a little more comfortable. 

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Creativity and New Media

In one of my classes my teacher asked us to make groups of 4 and choose a leader. we thought that we could make it interesting and go above and beyond. We asked if we could make a youtube video expressing why we thought each of us are suitable candidates for being the leader of the group and come to a unanimous decision at the end for who we believed would be the best leader. The video was 30 minutes each with all four of us giving our reasons as well as our experience in a leadership position prior to the recording of the video or even experience that is still continued today. When it came time I was not chosen to be the leader but the person we choose was a suitable candidate. Once the recording of the video was finished I would go to youtube to upload the video and make sure that it was only visible with the link to the video. Then I would email the professor the link to the video. I feel like what we did was creative since we dint have to go and do it we could've just picked someone at random like how most of these types of situations go and let the professor know who we choose. We felt like we could be creative and standout among all the other groups and students by dong something different from everyone else and use youtube as the platform to accomplish it.

HW Creativity

When we think of creativity we usually think that its is doing or making something on your own without the use of something else. When you think about it creativity can be anything and everything that happens around us because everyone is different so there isn't a clear definition of creativity because it is based on how everyone see's it. In this day and age everyone is using a form of new media to create something like on youtube or in music like it states here in an article by The New Yorker called The New Math Mash Up "Mashups find new uses for current digital technology, a new iteration of the cause-and-effect relationship behind almost every change in pop-music aesthetics: the gear changes, and then the music does." When we see something like this new media brings about a different form of creativity by expanding on something that has already been around, or even make something new from it that may not have been able to be done. In other words new media has expanded the the range of what you can do with your creativity so you don't have to start from the bottom and you have a base to begin with. Now there are many mashups of current songs being made every time a new song comes out and sometimes these mashups are liked more than that of the original and I am one of those individuals since the mashup connects to me more. So creativity has be expanded since new media has been apart of it and helped others to express themselves more than the could've without these certain programs being introduced.

The New Math of Mashups from The New Yorker Magazine - https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2005/01/10/1-1-1-1