Sunday, October 29, 2017

Creativity and New Media

In one of my classes my teacher asked us to make groups of 4 and choose a leader. we thought that we could make it interesting and go above and beyond. We asked if we could make a youtube video expressing why we thought each of us are suitable candidates for being the leader of the group and come to a unanimous decision at the end for who we believed would be the best leader. The video was 30 minutes each with all four of us giving our reasons as well as our experience in a leadership position prior to the recording of the video or even experience that is still continued today. When it came time I was not chosen to be the leader but the person we choose was a suitable candidate. Once the recording of the video was finished I would go to youtube to upload the video and make sure that it was only visible with the link to the video. Then I would email the professor the link to the video. I feel like what we did was creative since we dint have to go and do it we could've just picked someone at random like how most of these types of situations go and let the professor know who we choose. We felt like we could be creative and standout among all the other groups and students by dong something different from everyone else and use youtube as the platform to accomplish it.

1 comment:

  1. Great example! Yes I enjoyed that class project with you and our other peers. It was a unique way to conduct a project for sure, we did learn how to utilize video conferencing and we incorporated our lessons from class quite well to the assignment. It definitely aroused creativity among us to be able to share and utilize our knowledge of management into our class project.
