Sunday, October 29, 2017

HW Creativity

When we think of creativity we usually think that its is doing or making something on your own without the use of something else. When you think about it creativity can be anything and everything that happens around us because everyone is different so there isn't a clear definition of creativity because it is based on how everyone see's it. In this day and age everyone is using a form of new media to create something like on youtube or in music like it states here in an article by The New Yorker called The New Math Mash Up "Mashups find new uses for current digital technology, a new iteration of the cause-and-effect relationship behind almost every change in pop-music aesthetics: the gear changes, and then the music does." When we see something like this new media brings about a different form of creativity by expanding on something that has already been around, or even make something new from it that may not have been able to be done. In other words new media has expanded the the range of what you can do with your creativity so you don't have to start from the bottom and you have a base to begin with. Now there are many mashups of current songs being made every time a new song comes out and sometimes these mashups are liked more than that of the original and I am one of those individuals since the mashup connects to me more. So creativity has be expanded since new media has been apart of it and helped others to express themselves more than the could've without these certain programs being introduced.

The New Math of Mashups from The New Yorker Magazine -

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