Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Blog: P2P

File sharing is in simple terms the ability to be able to send something like a file or so forth from one computer to another through the internet or through the use of certain software. When we think about the definition of file sharing we come to realize that it is something that happens all the time in the world. Some of the things that are used for file sharing are things along the line of music sharing movie downloading and so forth. This all has to do with P2P file sharing which is Peer-to-Peer file sharing which means you need someone to get the certain file for it to be shared to begin with. In simpler term P2P file sharing is the sharing of certain media files through P2P software that allows for those individuals to access the specific files they're looking for be it a movie or anything else. Now when we think about it more about file sharing we think of pirated movies through websites like the Pirate Bay, which requires a file sharing software like Utorrent to actually download the movie. As stated in the article by NYTimes here "A judge in Stockholm is expected to rule on whether four people connected with a popular file-sharing service, the Pirate Bay, are guilty of criminal violations of copyright law." This is saying it is illegal to do such a thing regardless of the convenience is provides others. When we think about it there are so many examples to look at when it comes to file sharing like with gaming and sharing software updates through the use of Bittorrent and the list can just keep going. The use of file sharing is used worldwide whether it is being used legally or not it will continue especially if we do or don't know about it. 

Ny Times Article-  
  1. Digital Pirates Winning Battle With Studios by Brian Stelter and Brad Stone. The New York Times, Feb 5, 2009, p. A1.

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